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Two Fundraiser Options

Paint Party Fundraiser



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Orders Arrive Sorted

No Upfront Costs

40% Profit

Step 1: Collect Order Forms

 Each seller turns in their Order Form Summary from their brochure along with the money that they’ve raised. Sellers should make a copy of their order forms and turn one in to us.

Step 2: Place Order

Turn in all order forms at one time. Upon completed review, we will email you an invoice to complete payment. During payment, you’ll only pay 60% to Paint Parties and the processing fees.  Processing fees are based on the number of items in your order:  $.50 per item with a minimum of $25 and a maximum of $99. 

Step 3: Distribute The Kits

 Once payment is made, you will receive your order within 1-3 weeks. When you receive your order, simply give labeled packages to sellers. Sellers then use their order form to distribute paint kits to supporters! 

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